Saturday, July 20, 2013

Too Attached??

"Rule #1: Don't get too attached."

That's the problem with this generation. We live in a world where things come easy, so there is no knowledge on or ability to fight when faced with losing the one you care for because you were careful not to get...."too attached." Like really, I need help with this. Why are you focused on the pain of losing that person so much that you allow yourself to keep your distance emotionally. How can you possibly call yourself loving someone and giving 1001% when you don't even trust yourself enough to invest in this person and  place your pride to the side to give all you've got? That really makes me wonder if people even understand what receiving and giving real love feels like since they are afraid of getting "attached." There has to come a point in our lives where we rid ourselves of that ignorant mentality and stop being afraid and give that once in a lifetime person our everything...starting with our vulnerability.

Yes, we will get hurt but that comes with this crazy, crazy love game. The beautiful thing about that though is, it makes us stronger and feeds us the necessary wisdom to move forward in the search for our King or Queen.XOXO

1 comment:

  1. But the only thing about being open and trusting yourself with someone is that it has to be a two way street. If the guy is not opening can you?

    I really get what you mean about how this generation is all about receiving instead of giving and that is probably the reason why there are so many of these relationships without the title now more than ever but when a person has a history of repeated giving and not receiving anything back, how can they open up to the next person?

    Its just this is a touchy subject because its good to be open and allowing yourself to become attached to the person but if they're not trying at all to do the same, it makes things messy and complicated and down right unfair.
